Mickey: why do my games feel like im lagging ??

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von RodClutcher, 6. November 2020.

  1. RodClutcher

    RodClutcher Guest

    for a long time my games have been feeling laggy even when i have good 1% lows and a average of 100fps on mid to high setting in all that games i play

    i use a 1080p 144hrz monitor with g sync and if my games drop to 80-90 fps it feels worse then 60 fps on a 60hrz monitor

    i have v sync off in control panel plus in games with g sync on

    i have my monitor set to its maximize overdrive setting for the refresh rate i dont exactly understand what that is but im wondering when i drop to lower...

    why do my games feel like im lagging ??
