Mickey: whats your thoughts on this psu

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von RodClutcher, 14. Dezember 2020.

  1. RodClutcher

    RodClutcher Guest

    hi people
    so i get using a cheap and nasty psu is not a good idea as if it blows up it might kill other stuff ect but for a pc that's only being used to watch YouTube videos and internet usage how bad could it really be and or expected to work

    id be pairing a old 1st gen i5 750 and a gtx 1050ti that gets power from the pcis slot and one 240g ssd and a few fans 8 gig ram. it should need much power or should need to push the psu hard


    whats your thoughts on this psu
