Mickey: Throttling (reducing) Laptop Battery Charge Rate using ThrottleStop

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von popTbop, 29. Mai 2021.

  1. popTbop

    popTbop Guest

    CPU: Intel i7-5500U dual core.

    Older laptop that pulls about 2.5 amps @ 20Vdc, or about 50 Watts max power while charging. I'd like to know if manipulating the CPU using TrottleStop, or tweaking the hardware and/or software configuration (Win10) can REDUCE or limit this maximum charge rate. I want to be able to charge this laptop while turned on, but with a much smaller charger, like a USB-C-PD 30 or 40 Watt charger.

    Any ideas?

