Mickey: Safe to replace keycaps with new custom ones?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von maramsp, 17. Mai 2024.

  1. maramsp

    maramsp Guest

    Hey all,

    Today i ordered the perixx periboard 835:

    Mickey: Safe to replace keycaps with new custom ones? [​IMG]

    But i was wondering about something.

    As you can see, the 6, T, G, B and 7, Y, H and N keys do have a strange outlining at the side where the isle is, so the key itself should type feel like a normal key.

    However, i myself am used to the microsoft ergnomic keyboard:

    Mickey: Safe to replace keycaps with new custom ones? [​IMG]

    As you can see, this keyboard has bigger keys at said postions.

    So is it safe to remove said keys...

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