Mickey: Ryzen 3950 / 5950 vs. Intel in general (...no not one of those threads again)

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Emiliano85, 1. November 2020.

  1. Emiliano85

    Emiliano85 Guest

    Hey guys.

    I'm kind of in a limbo atm. in regards of upgrading my 3950X for the 5900X o 5950X, and would like your 5 cents on the matter. I'm a bit hesitant to splash out 799$, if the following "issue" is normal with AMD / Ryzen cpu's.

    Thing is i was always a Intel-man since i first started playing around with computers like 20 some years ago, but decided to jump on the Ryzen train last year, with the release of the 3950X.

    Almost exactly a year later, i have had some time to get used to my...

    Ryzen 3950 / 5950 vs. Intel in general (...no not one of those threads again)
