Mickey: Rigid Mouse Pad/DIY Mouse Surfacing Suggestions?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von LabRat 891, 2. März 2024.

  1. LabRat 891

    LabRat 891 Guest

    I accidentally'd my SteelSeries hardpad w/ Acetone the other day, while cleaning a GPU. -time to replace it.

    To give an idea of the rigidity needed:
    The old pad sat on top of 23/32" Plywood, on my hand-me-down plastic folding table-desk. (don't judge. it fits well in my bedroom Mickey: Rigid Mouse Pad/DIY Mouse Surfacing Suggestions? [​IMG])

    Budget is <$30, preferably $10-$15.

    As far as what I'm already looking at for options:

    -DIY Poly-coated wood

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