Mickey: Ready to lose my mind. HELP please. PSU or Mobo?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von ibpanda, 29. April 2021.

  1. ibpanda

    ibpanda Guest

    Ready to lose my mind. HELP please. I'm having the same problem as some of the other members, but I have the corsair cx550m and the everything that can run does without the 8 pin connector (EPS12V cable) in.

    To give you the full rundown: 2 separate mobos

    - 1st is 7 year old b150m d3h with i5 6400 and corsair LTX Vengeance 32gb ddr4 (4 8's) ram (running fine until attempted addition of MSI 3gb GTX1060). Immediately pulled gpu because it was originally meant to take some of...

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