Mickey: Please help, no display signal on 2 monitors/1 tv. Troubleshooting

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von alfredolinguini, 7. August 2023.

  1. My specs, frustrating because these parts is are fairly new.
    4070 Ti Gigabyte Eagle OC
    5800X3D Ryzen
    SF750 Corsair
    32GB CL18 3600 MHz (16gbx2)

    I was gaming league of legends on 4k when my display suddenly turned off. I have tried 2 monitors, 1 tv, and no signal is being picked up.

    So I took out my 4070 Ti, plugged in a very old GTX 260 and used a very old monitor with DVR or something port (not the same monitors as the 2 i mentioned above) and this works.

    So i plugged back in the 4070 Ti...

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