Mickey: Please Help me with amdvbflash

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Bhaskarim, 12. Juli 2023.

  1. Bhaskarim

    Bhaskarim Guest

    next I'm trying to change the Bios of my RX 5700XT (which is actually an RX 5700 that came from aliexpress with the ''XT'' Bios) but amdvbflash presents the following message when opening:
    --- amdvbflash v2.93 ---
    -h, -?, /h, /? Help (this screen)

    Format: amdvbflash [command] [parameter1] [parameter2] [parameter3] <option/s>
    -i [Num] Display information of AMD adapters in the system.
    Display information of adapter [Num] if...

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