Mickey: Only some humans can see refresh rates faster than others, I am one of those humans.

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Space Lynx, 4. Mai 2024.

  1. Space Lynx

    Space Lynx Guest

    CRT monitors always felt smoother to me at 75hz, by a lot compared to modern LCD's at 60hz. Then in 2012/2013 I imported my first ever Korean monitor that overclocked to 100hz, that is the day gaming changed forever for me. Fast forward to now and I regularly game at 165hz 1440p or 1080p, and I very much prefer even my card games like Magic the Gathering Arena to run at 165 fps 165hz, single player games like Witcher 3 just feel more immersive, etc.

    Some humans can't experience this. We...

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