Mickey: Notebook is slow. GPU CPU and Memory clokcs down, when plugging in notebook power...

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von PsyIbo, 11. Februar 2023.

  1. PsyIbo

    PsyIbo Guest


    i am new here and i just have a big issue with my notebook.
    I have a HP Pavilion 15-dk0358ng with an i5-9300H.

    I used Throttlestop to decheck BDporchot. I did a new thermalpaste and new battery in and still it wont work.
    I feel really helpless and clueless.

    Wouldbe great if somebody has an idea.

    Mickey: Notebook is slow. GPU CPU and Memory clokcs down, when plugging in notebook power... [​IMG]
    Mickey: Notebook is slow. GPU CPU and Memory clokcs down, when plugging in notebook power... [​IMG]
    Mickey: Notebook is slow. GPU CPU and Memory clokcs down, when plugging in notebook power... [​IMG]

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