Mickey: Memory upgrade for amd laptop

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von ThrashZone, 30. Dezember 2023.

  1. ThrashZone

    ThrashZone Guest

    Here's the lappy,
    Product Support - AN17-41 | Acer United States

    Product Support - AN17-41 | Acer United States
    Mickey: Memory upgrade for amd laptop [​IMG] www.acer.com
    Used crucial scanner first and it threw a funny error Mickey: Memory upgrade for amd laptop [​IMG]

    Mickey: Memory upgrade for amd laptop [​IMG]
    Acer is/was pretty useless as well on this and stated the obvious 2x16gb 5600GHz is the upgrade
    But they do not sell it lol = okay

    I looked around a little and messaged gskill about a couple kits I found of theirs off ducky

    Garbage CL46 I have the same...

    Read more
