Mickey: large axial fans: power used is less at higher voltages?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von 80251, 13. Juni 2022.

  1. 80251

    80251 Guest

    I'm here referring specifically to the San Ace 172 9E type, 172mm x 51mm axial fan. If you look at the datasheet for this fan and compare the power drawn at the same peak RPM for the +12VDC models of the fan vs. the +48VDC models of the fan the +48VDC models of the fan use from 0.5Watts to >1.5 Watts less power for the same CFM, static pressure and RPM. Even greater power savings are seen in the +24VDC models of the fan where for the exact same CFM, static pressure and RPM, the +24VDC models...

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