Mickey: Just bought a Ryzen 5500

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von DoLlyBirD, 8. April 2022.

  1. DoLlyBirD

    DoLlyBirD Guest

    For £145, Yes, I know it has less cache, yes I know it is only PCIE3, but I am coming from a B450 PCIE3 board with a Ryzen 1600, the uplift in IPC alone should make it a worthy upgrade and hopefully I can push 4.4GHZ all core OC which will be a lot better than my 4GHZ all core OC on my 1600, am also limited to 3400mhz RAM on my Ryzen 1600 IMC, hopefully I can push up to 3800 with my Samsung B-die RAM's for a nice 1-1 thoughts?
