Mickey: help with a few questions about pc shuting down

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von RodClutcher, 11. November 2020.

  1. RodClutcher

    RodClutcher Guest

    hi to anyone that reads this and wants to give some information

    this started a few months back. my sisters pc randomly shuts down when gaming and wont turn back on until its been off for about 5 minutes.
    to me that says overheating so i checked temps and run stress tests seeing max 80c on the cpu so i changed to a 120mm aio from the stock intel cooler keeping teps down in the mid 70c range

    then ive run stress tests on the gpu seeing max temps in the 70c range ( system still shuts down...

    help with a few questions about pc shuting down
