Mickey: Does the USB port matter for Keyboard/Mouse?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von fec32a4de, 21. Juli 2024.

  1. fec32a4de

    fec32a4de Guest


    Got an interesting, perhaps stupid question for yall....

    Does it matter which USB port you use for a keyboard or a mouse?

    I got an X570 mobo with 4 USB2.0 ports, a few 3.0 (5Gbps ports) and 3.1 Gen 1 Service Pack 3 Professional lite edition whateveritscallednow (10Gbps ports)

    The connectors on every any mouse and keyboard I have in the house has 4 pins for USB2.0, cause they don't need more bandwidth but whatever.

    So: does it actually matter if I use 480Mbps ports, 5Gbps ports or...

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