Mickey: CPU upgrade thoughts for my girls and crunching machines....

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von phill, 23. November 2023.

  1. phill

    phill Guest

    I'm curious what you all think I should do... I'm in two minds at the moment,

    1. Get all the latest the boards can handle (They are X370 and X470 Crosshair Hero's, 6 and 7...)
    2. Just upgrade my crunching machines and put the 3900X's from them in my girls machines... (which has currently a Ryzen 2700 and a 2700X in)

    So the question is really, what CPU would you replace a 3900X with? A 5900X? If I was doing that for all of them, that might be a little over kill, even for me as my...

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