Mickey: CPU cores constantly clocking at max - what could cause this? Is it detrimental?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von ddDerelict, 7. November 2020.

  1. ddDerelict

    ddDerelict Guest

    I use the HWinfo utility to monitor my hardware. It is reporting CPU cores clocking at max MHz and very frequently going into turbo with only HWinfo running after a cold boot. The readings stay consistent even after 3 hours and checking running services/processes in Resource monitor doesn't reveal anything unusual (I use bitDefender for AV):
    Mickey: CPU cores constantly clocking at max - what could cause this?  Is it detrimental? [​IMG]

    System temps are ranging from high 20s to low 30s,, CPU and RAM usage is very low:

    CPU cores constantly clocking at max - what could cause this? Is it detrimental?
