Mickey: Can you live with one monitor? ;)

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von PLAfiller, 6. Juni 2024.

  1. PLAfiller

    PLAfiller Guest

    Sup all,

    been using dual monitor setup at home for over a decade probably.....no I am not in IT field, just home stuff. I have been reading lately that dual monitor+ destroys focus,

    concentration, but every time I remove the second monitor I feel crippled as fluff...I mean...I really miss it. So how are you ridin?? One? two? three? forex trader? Mickey: Can you live with one monitor? ;) [​IMG]

    *32:9, 49-inch monitors are counted as physically one
    *any other display: laptop, sensor panel, PC case with display, are counted as a...

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