Mickey: ASUS is getting hammered... wow

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Space Lynx, 13. Mai 2023.

  1. Space Lynx

    Space Lynx Guest

    I remember when they were considered top tier, premium, have to pay the ASUS "tax" cause of the name...

    Just finished these two videos... wow. lmao

    Glad I stuck with MSI, its been rock solid for me each time. in the jayz2cents video he also went to MSI, but says an ASRock board has also been rock solid stable. I thought ASUS owned ASRock, but the way jayz is talking about them both, they are not, so I don't know.

    jayz2cents just told ASUS no longer wants to be a partner, damn that is...

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