Mickey: APC RS 1500 works but outputs 135v. Attempt fix OR Toss

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von MrCreosote, 13. August 2023.

  1. MrCreosote

    MrCreosote Guest

    I think the power cord might be worth more than the UPS even if it worked LOL. (It really is am impressive cord)
    I hate Modified "Sine" Wave which is a total deception, it should be called, "Modified Square Wave", but I digress.
    I do like a puzzle but would have to make great effort to work on this.
    My thinking it would be wiser to toss and buy a 1-battery sinewave UPS (any suggestions? Cyberpower has them but I'm not impressed with Cyber- am I right?)

    If I get lucky, someone will reply...

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