Mickey: 61 euro PC

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von SadisticWaifu, 25. Juli 2023.

  1. I bought yet another pc, but this time very cheap and convenient. The objective for the PC is to get it a little bit cleaner, put an SSD in it and sell it forward, because I do think that for the right price, this will make someone able to game a little bit. Bought for 61 euros (300 lei), the initial offer being 82 euros (400 lei). It came with a Dell XPS 8300 mb, an i7 2600, 16 GB of HyperX Fury ddr3 1600mhz, a 450w Corsair power supply and a GTX 970 from EVGA, along side a WD 320 hdd. Was...

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