Mickey: 4k160hz for 350$ or 4k180hz for 700$

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Toss, 2. März 2025.

  1. Toss

    Toss Guest

    Hi experts. I am shopping for the new 4k monitor ips for GAMING.
    Now I found 2 contenders: Gigabyte 160 hz and MSI 180 hz. The main difference is obviously 2x price for MSI and 180 to 360 hz in 1080p.
    Which one should I go for?
    Will I lose a lot if I go for 160 instead of 180?

    Usually games dip a bit less to 160 than 180 then it will be even smoother than 180 where I will notice all dips. And 2x saving.
    That's why I am leaning for 160.
