Rave: Xigmatek Cuirassier

Dieses Thema im Forum "Overclocking & Cooling" wurde erstellt von JrRacinFan, 11. Juni 2009.

  1. JrRacinFan

    JrRacinFan Guest

    Figured I would post this for those fellow members who are in need of some really nice heatspreaders. Even those sticks that do currently have heatspreaders may get better results with these.

    Product link:

    I must say these have brought a whole new feel to these valuram sticks that I have.

    Here's an SPD 'shot of them:

    Rave: Xigmatek Cuirassier [​IMG]

    Here's what I am currently running them at on 2v:

    Rave: Xigmatek Cuirassier [​IMG]

    Now I must state the above is linpack hour 34mins stable. I will not be able to post a "before" screenshot, but best I could obtain linpack stable at same bandwith and voltage was 6-5-5-17 tRC 23. Also 1066 6-6-6-18 was unattainable, now they can do 1066 6-5-5-17 tRC 25 2.1v.

    So take this thread as a "+1" to Xigmatek and Sneekypeet! You guys rock! *Rockout :rockout:


    Almost forgot to post an Everest Memory benchmark:

    Rave: Xigmatek Cuirassier [​IMG]

    *Toast :toast:

  2. farby

    farby Guest

    malicious app rave it

    Hi LeviGenderen van ,

    It may not be malicious but some conflict ..

    On my Lumia the Truecaller application doesn't work if another application called Gestures Beta' is not installed / enabled ..At least in this case Truecaller team knows about the issue since they only
    suggested this solution.
  3. malicious app rave it

    Dear Microsoft,

    I downloaded rave it from rave it from the windows phone app store, after installing this app itt messed up WhatsApp.

    Did uninstall the app. Now everthing seems to be working ok again.

    best regards, levi
  4. sneekypeet

    sneekypeet Guest

    Nice work Jr., glad to see it all worked out for ya!
  5. TPU

    TPU New Member

    nice heatspeaders and nice to see you got good results