Excellent Ci7 975 article

Discussion in 'Overclocking & Cooling' started by douglatins, Jun 10, 2009.

  1. douglatins

    douglatins Guest

  2. Upgraded to Windows 10 - Disk 0 Usage 100

    My laptop specs are

    ci7 4700MQ

    16GB Ram

    1 TB HDD + 24GB SSD

    2GB NVidia graphics card
  3. Systems_UK

    Systems_UK Guest

    Exchange Active Sync doesn't work anymore after updating to Mango (8004010F error)

    I solved my own problem. There was a fault with my Google Contacts list which NoDo was happy to pass as valid but Mango correctly saw it as an error.

    In my case, the problem was a contact with a date of birth of "975" not "1975". When I corrected this in my Google Contacts it synced perfectly.

    My advice is to export your google contacts to a CSV file and look through the file in Excel for errors (especially in the date of birth column).
  4. Naekuh

    Naekuh Guest

    lol... there slow...

    i just posted up the W3580 on this forum. *Stick Out Tongue Excellent Ci7 975 article :p